Citrix Presentation Server 4 Cca Certification Package, Exam-Pack 256: Administration - Includes 15 Videos

Citrix Presentation Server 4 CCA Certification Package
Exam-Pack 256: Administration /$299.00 - Includes 15 Videos

Citrix Presentation Server 4 CCA Certification Package

Exam-Pack 256: Citrix Presentation Server 4 - Administration
$299.00 - Includes 15 Videos
Trainer: Greg D. Shields
Running Time: 6 Hours

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Provide easy, secure access to applications and documents from anywhere - no VPN required. That's what you can do with Citrix Presentation Server. Plus, maintain central control over user experience. No dealing with the hassle of installing software on every computer in the company. Less headaches from botched settings on locally-installed client software. The list of Citrix's benefits goes on.

In this training, CBT Nuggets Instructor Greg Shields teaches you how to administer Citrix Presentation Server, including setup, policy control, program deployment, enabling client access, catering the user experience, and much more.

- Introduction to Citrix and the CCA
- Applied and Architectural Concepts for Presentation Server
- Installing Presentation Server
- Configuring Licensing & Farm Settings
- Configuring Policies & Citrix Connection Configuration
- Installing & Configuring the Citrix Client
- Installing Applications to Presentation Server
- Publishing Applications and Content (free video!)
- Deploying Applications with Installation Manager
- Managing Loads and Load Balancing
- Managing Resources with Resource Manager
- Configuring Printing
- Enabling Web Access
- Securing Citrix Communication
- Command Line Tools & Exam Review


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi, i was looking for this ... but the links are dead :( do you have time to reupload? i really apreciate if you can. Please. Very interesting blog... a lot of interesting info. C ya